Ear Research Japan
Online ISSN : 1884-5797
Print ISSN : 0288-9781
ISSN-L : 0288-9781
ヒト側頭骨転移性腫瘍の病理組織学 (2症例)
今村 俊一今村 まゆみ早間 隆荻野 純野沢 出村上 嘉彦
ジャーナル フリー

1990 年 21 巻 1 号 p. 199-200


Two cases of metastatic involvement of the temporal bone by malignant tumors are presented. Case I: Metastatic hepatic cell carcinoma. At age 65 the patient noted a progressive left facial palsy, followed by otalgia and hearing loss. At examination, there was a large mass in the left external ear canal. She died 5 months later of diffuse carcinomatosis. Histologic studies show extensive osteolytic metastic lesions involving both the tympanic and mastoid parts of the left temporal bone. The facial nerve has been completely destroyed by neoplastic tissue. Case II: Metastatic bronchogenic carcinoma. At age 68 the patient complained of an enlarging mass with pain at the left mastoid area. He died 6 months later of bronchopneumonia. Examination of the left temporal bone reveals undifferentiated squamous cell carcinoma tissue invading the tympanic cavity and mastoid air cell system.

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