Ear Research Japan
Online ISSN : 1884-5797
Print ISSN : 0288-9781
ISSN-L : 0288-9781
一過性アノキシア負荷後のEPの回復に対する低体温の影響 (第2報)
古橋 靖夫伊東 善哉西川 典秀武山 実草刈 潤
ジャーナル フリー

1990 年 21 巻 1 号 p. 315-316


The effect of local anoxia (1 hour) upon the EP under hypothermic condition (28°C, n: 4 and 32.5°C, n: 5) was observed in albino guiner pigs and results were compared with those of control animals (37°C, n: 5). On termination of local anoxia, the EP rapidly increased, reached the maximum value (EP peak) and then attained a certain static level in 30 minutes (Static EP). The main results were as follows; 1) The levels of the Static EP were 36.6mV, 40.6mV and 60.7mV at 37°, 32.5°, and 28°, respectivery, and had a tendency to increase according to hypothermic condition ; 2) The EP peaks were 47.2mV, 49.8mV and 78.8mV at 37°, 32.5°, and 28°, respectivery, and difference was present between animals at 32.5°, and those at 28° (P<0.05).

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