Online ISSN : 2424-2586
Print ISSN : 1345-1510
ISSN-L : 1345-1510
セッションID: 10A-C-4

10A-C-4 めまい発症日の周期性(C会場 一般講演)
千葉 恭久
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Author investigated the periodicity of the dates of vertigo onset. The subjects were 1600 patients (428 male ; 1172 female), with vertigo, sudden deafness related vertigo, Meniere's disease, who consulted author's clinic between April 1, 2005 and April 30, 2010 (1849 days). The dates of vertigo appearance or exacerbation were surveyed from these patients, and the periodicity of the date of vertigo onset was analyzed. <Method> The time series from day 1 to day 1849 was divided by X (X=1 to 28) day. The onset days of the vertigo were counted in every each period that was divided by X. And new time series-es of 28 categories, depended on X, were obtained. Auto-correlation coefficients of every new time series-es were calculated. Data smoothing by the moving average method was performed to each auto-correlation coefficients to make tendencies of the changes clear. <Result> At least three types of periods were detected. The periodicities of them were 690±96 days, 328±133 days 126±46 days, respectively. <Conclusion> It was thought that there were periodicity of about 2 years, 11 months, and 4 months on a vertigo onset days.

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