Online ISSN : 2424-2586
Print ISSN : 1345-1510
ISSN-L : 1345-1510

1/f ゆらぎ音のリラックス効果に関する一検討
佐巻 優太森 亮徳渡邉 志中川 雅史鎌倉 友男白濱 成希宮田 統馬冨田 雅史森 幸男
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 103-104


It is well known that the physical and mental stress of human is relaxed by the audible sound with 1/f fluctuation. These sounds usually have some elements, such as melody and rhythm, so, it is difficult to clarify the effect of 1/f fluctuation itself. We will verify two hypotheses: one is the 1/f fluctuation is a main factor to alleviate the physical and mental stress, and the other is the effect of 1/f fluctuation is dependent by the biological rhythm of each of human. Therefore, we investigate these hypotheses from the results of experiments based on an objective and subjective evaluation using 1/f fluctuation sound sources in ultrasonic range. And we will be able to obtain a scientific basis of physical and mental stress relaxation that is affected by 1/f fluctuation itself. In this paper, we describe the outline of these proposed methods.

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