Online ISSN : 2424-1512
5 音響放射力と直交流を用いた新規粒子分離法(物質の分離と抽出)
益戸 孝岡田 哲男
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 21-23


In an acoustic-gravity coupled field, particles aggregate at the equilibrium position, where the acoustic radiation force and sedimentation force are balanced. The aggregation position is determined by particle density and compressibility not by its diameter. This field is thus applicable to separation of particles based on materials. The acoustic-gravity coupled field was combined with the laminar flow perpendicular to the field; thus, flow separation of particles has become feasible. Elution profiles of polystyrene (PS) latex and PANVCMM particles were investigated using this system. PS showed two peaks at 1380 and 1600sec, while PANVCMM was eluted at 1180sec. These results indicated that PS particles were aggregated closer to the wall of the separation channel than PANVCMM particles; this was qualitatively ensured by theoretical consideration. Elution of a PS and PANVCMM mixture was also investigated. Peaks appeared at 1170, 1330 and 1610 sec. The first peak was due to PANVCMM particle elution, and the following two peaks were due to PS particles elution. The particles were separated by this separation system using acoustic-gravity coupled field and laminar flow. This novel particle separation method has potential to separate the porous particles (e.g. silica gel particle) by porosity, and will allow us to utilize this physical nature as a new particle separation parameter.

© 2003 日本ソノケミストリー学会
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