Online ISSN : 2424-1512
セッションID: P2
P2 単一気泡による化学作用の研究(ソノケミストリーの基礎科学)
坂本 大樹松岡 辰郎香田 忍野村 浩康
会議録・要旨集 フリー


We had succeeded in developing the experimental setup to keep a stable sonoluminescence for several tens of hours, which enabled us to analyze the reaction product from the single bubble quantitatively. In this work, to elucidate chemical effect from the single bubble we analyze the produced amounts of nitrate and nitrite ions from both in water and in aqueous solution of NaBr. In the case of water, the concentrations of two ions increase linearly with irradiation time. The formation rate for nitrate ion was 2.3×10^<-8>mol/(l・h), while nitrate was 2.4×10^<-8>mol/(l・h). The concentration ratio of nitrate and nitrite ions was 1:1 within experimental errors. The number of nitrite ions are 7.1×10^6per cycle, which is comparable to the value (3.7×10^6per cycle) reported by Suslick. In the case of aqueous solution of NaBr, the amounts of nitrate and nitrite ions increase with increasing the concentration of NaBr, but ratio of nitrate and nitrite ions is kept 1:1, which is the same as that without NaBr. This suggests that the addition of NaBr does not affect reaction mechanism.

© 2003 日本ソノケミストリー学会
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