Online ISSN : 2424-1512
セッションID: P32
P32 電気泳動法による超音波機能性分子とDNAの結合の解析(ポスターセッション)
宗宮 創藤田 光恵木村 隆英
会議録・要旨集 フリー


We have proposed a concept of 'Sonofunctional Molecules', which develop new functionalities by ultrasonic irradiation. As a first sonofunctional molecule, compound 1, which had the potential for cancer treatment, was prepared. By the ultrasonic irradiation, compound 1 can be expected to form irreversible binding with DNA, which may cause damages on DNA duplication. Previously, we reported ultrasound irradiation with DNA enhanced the solubility of 1 into water, although 1 had no solubility into water in the absence of DNA. This result indicates that the sonofunctional molecule 1 is bound to DNA by ultrasonic irradiation, and terminal thiol groups take an important function in the binding. In this study, the binding mechanism of 1 to DNA was examined mainly by means of electrophoresis. Figure 1 indicated that DNA was damaged and degraded into shorter fragments by ultrasonic irradiation. However, even after 24 hrs' irradiation, considerable amount of DNA fragments remained. UV spectra of recovered solution of DNA and 1 from agarose gel after 24 hrs' ultrasonic irradiation is shown in Figure 2. These spectra indicated that 1 was not contained in the solution, and this result suggested that the binding between DNA and 1 was being easily broken weak by recovery or electrophoresis.

© 2006 日本ソノケミストリー学会
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