Online ISSN : 2424-1512
セッションID: A3
A3 マイクロバブルに超音波照射がおよぼす影響
佐野 一樹小林 大祐寺坂 宏一
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Microbubble is generic name of the bubble that has diameter of smaller than tens of μm. It has specific feature that the rising velocity of bubble is slower compared to standard bubble, and therefore suspended time in column is much longer. But after the ultrasonic is applied to the microbubble liquid, milky liquid made by pressurization solution process, deformation of microbubble is instantly occurred, and suddenly liquid becomes clear like before microbubbles generated. In this study, we analyzed this phenomenon through the pictures taken by a high-speed video camera, the measurement of a bubble size distribution, and establishing logical explanation of the mechanism. The coalescence of microbubbles can be observed by visualizing analysis while ultrasonic irradiates. Moreover, the rising velocity of microbubbles depends on SDS concentration, and the suspended time is longer as SDS concentration increases.

© 2007 日本ソノケミストリー学会
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