Online ISSN : 2424-1512
セッションID: P09
P09 酢酸-水系のソノケミカル反応における水の役割
後藤 美佳田中 寿原田 久志
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Sonochemical reaction of acetic acid has been carried out. When pure acetic acid was irradiated with ultrasonic wave, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane, ethane, ethene were produced in gas phase. Moreover, succinic acid was produced in liquid phase. Pure water added into pure acetic acid as aim of increasing yields of radicals. In the case of addition of a small amount of water, the ratio of products was maintained although the yields of products increased. The rate of production was over 10 times, as large as in the pure acetic acid system. On the other hand, products ratio changed, when a large amount of water added into acetic acid. Thus, it is considered that efficiency of production of radicals was advanced up with addition of water into acetic acid. It was thought that succinic acid was formed through dimerization of acetate radicals. Thus, the elongation of carbon chain was observed.

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