Online ISSN : 2424-1512
セッションID: A07
A07 ソノケミカル反応によるナノ粒子生成の数値シミュレーション(口頭発表)
安井 久一辻内 亨加藤 一実
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Numerical simulations of sonochemical production of BaTiO_3 nano-particles have been performed under the experimental condition of Dang et al. [9, 10]. The results of the numerical simulations have indicated that the particle size distribution under the assumption that only primary particles aggregate with other particles agrees well with the experimental data, while that under the assumption that any particles aggregate with other particles when they collide each other does not agree with the experimental data. It is also shown that larger particles are present when the initial concentration of BaCl_2 and TiCl_4 (they are the same concentration) is 0.1 mol/L compared to the case of 0.4 mol/L. It agrees with the experimental data. The reason is the longer reaction time and lower viscosity for the case of 0.1 mol/L. It is also shown that the equilibration time is longer for the initial concentration of 0.1 mol/L than that for 0.4 mol/L. The effect of the crystal growth is negligible on the particle size distribution under the present condition.

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