Online ISSN : 2424-1512
セッションID: P03
P03 カラギーナンハイドロゲル物性に及ぼす超音波効果(ポスター発表)
奥山 伸二郎小林 高臣
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Polymer hydrogels containing carrageenan biopolymer have various functions, which can be used in many fields of medicine, food, the manufacturing product and construction, etc. Recently, we have investigated hydrogel swelling behavior of the crosslinked polymer gels, since, especially, the research example of the gel characteristic by the ultrasound is very interesting and attractive. However, very little of clarification of the ultrasound (US) effect was repointed in view point of properties of bio-hydrogels. In the present research, the influence of US on the properties of κ and t-carrageenan-hydrogels was studied under US exposure. The carrageenan hydrogel solution contained 3g κ or ι-carrageenan in 97ml water was used. In the carrageenan hydrogel solution, the viscosity was measured when B type viscosity meter was used with 60rpm rotation after exposure of 28, 45, and 100 kHz frequency with the US power of 200W. It was found that hydrogen bonds in the hydrogels were broken by irradiating the US.

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