Online ISSN : 2424-1512
セッションID: P04
P04 短波長紫外光を併用した過フッ化化合物の超音波分解(ポスターセッション)
工藤 貴久関口 和彦三小田 憲史王 青躍
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Perfluorochemicals (PFCs) is one of the fluorinated organic synthetic oil, and has been used as heat carrier and hydraulic oil for a vacuum pump used in the semiconductor clean room. This substance has extremely strong carbon-fluorine bonds in the internal structure, and these carbon-fluorine bonds give high resistance to heat and react with other chemicals. However, PFCs is harmful to a human body, and has high global warming potential. In this study, we investigated the effects of 200 kHz ultrasonication and short-wavelength UV irradiation on the degradation of hydrophobic PFCs (perfluorooctane: PFO) and its decomposition intermediate products. As an intermediate product of PFO, we chose perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) pentafluoropropionic acid (PFPrA). 93.7% of PFO was decomposed after 60 min by 200 kHz ultrasonic irradiation, and the concentration of PFO after 120 min was below the limit of quantitation. Defluorination of PFO after 120 min was improved 2.1% by the combination of UV_<254+185> irradiation. From these results, it was confirmed that 200 kHz ultrasonic irradiation was more effective for hydrophobic perfluorochemicals like PFO, and UV254+185 irradiation was more effective for hydrophilic perfluorochemicals which is considered one of the decomposition intermediates of PFO.

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