Online ISSN : 2424-1512
セッションID: P06
P06 促進酸化法を用いた超音波ミストによるトルエンガスの分解(ポスターセッション)
楢原 壮馬関口 和彦三小田 憲史王 青躍
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are very effective techniques for degradation and mineralization of organic pollutants. On the other hand, ultrasonic atomization is a very useful technique to produce ultrasonic mist which consists of submicron-scale droplets. Using these techniques, volatile organic compound (VOC) gas was decomposed on the mist surface by OH radicals generated by AOPs, and water-soluble decomposition intermediates were rapidly captured into the mist. As a result, the removal rate of toluene under UV/H_2O_2/mist condition was faster than that under UV/H_2O_2 condition. This result indicated that toluene gas could easily react with OH radicals on the mist surface, using ultrasonic atomization, because gas-liquid interfaces increased by the mist generation. Furthermore, we tried degradation experiments of toluene gas under conditions with ozone addition. Ozone also reacts with H_2O_2 to generate OH radicals (perozone reaction) on the mist surface, and toluene gas was effectively removed there by perozone reaction. Since this reaction is effective for various VOC gases, it could be a useful air purification technique. Finally, we evaluated the chemical reactivity of VOC gas with ultrasonic mist from the viewpoint of AOPs reactions.

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