Online ISSN : 2424-1512
セッションID: P22
P22 高周波超音波照射下での難溶性有機物の水への溶解挙動(ポスターセッション)
二井 晋高柳 早希
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Our previous study demonstrated growth enhancement of glycine particles in the crystallization under the irradiation of 1.6 MHz ultrasound. The result indicated that ultrasound enhanced mass-transfer around the solid particle in the suspension. To specify the effect of ultrasound contributing the enhancement, we took a simpler approach of observing dissolution of a sparingly soluble compound, benzoic acid, in water under the ultrasonic irradiation. Particles of benzoic acid having a limited size range were mixed into water under a mechanical stirring and sonication. At higher ultrasonic powers, rate coefficients for the dissolution strongly depend on ultrasonic power, which suggests that the ultrasound plays the major role in the enhancement. Even at this condition, the enhancement was lost by the use of degassed water as a solvent. This fact clearly shows that cavitation plays a significant role in the mass-transfer enhancement.

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