Online ISSN : 2424-1512
セッションID: A03
A03 超音波発泡体をテンプレートとする多孔質ポリピロール膜の電解合成(口頭発表)
末安 由佳中林 康治跡部 真人
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Nano/micro-structured conducting polymeric materials are of great importance for the significant range of applications such as sensors and energy storage. In this work, we wish to report an electropolymerization in the acoustically prepared foam to obtain polypyrrole (PPy) film with microporous structure on an electrode surface. In this process, ultrasonication was used to foam the electrolyte solution containing surfactant and the foamy electrolyte was employed as soft template for the polymer growth. SEM analysis revealed that the obtained PPy film possessed a porous structure composed of a number of micropores. In addition, it was also found that the porous PPy film exhibited a higher electrochemical response compared to that of the ordinary flat PPy film. This fact can be ascribed to the large surface area of the porous PPy film. Since no hard templates and cumbersome procedures are require for this synthetic method, it is advantageous in respect of environmental and economic sustainability.

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