Online ISSN : 2424-1512

P13 複数の可視光応答型光触媒種を用いた超音波光触媒反応に対するソノルミネッセンス発光の影響
*高橋 佑佳関口 和彦三小田 憲史
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 49-50


In this study, based on the report that the photocatalyst was driven by ultrasonic irradiation under dark conditions, the decomposition ratios of two types of aldehydes with different physical properties, such as benzaldehyde and formaldehyde, were evaluated using various visible-light-driven photocatalysts under ultrasonic irradiation condition. From the results of this experiment, the removal ratio of formaldehyde using US+Pd/WO3 which is visible-light-driven photocatalyst increased approximately 7 % over that of using TiO2. This reason is that Pd/WO3 can effectively utilize SL emission compared to TiO2. In addition, sono-photocatalytic degradation using Pd/WO3 had the highest removal ratio for both formaldehyde and benzaldehyde meaning that the active species generated from Pd/WO3 were the largest. Also, it was confirmed that the performance of Pd as a promoter was higher than that of Cu. From these results, it was suggested that the relationship between the absorption wavelength of the catalyst and the SL wavelength is important in the sono-photocatalytic degradation utilizing SL emission.

© 2018 日本ソノケミストリー学会
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