Online ISSN : 2424-1512

P17 多孔質PTFEチューブと超音波ミストを用いた有機汚染ガスの分解
*竹村 草太関口 和彦三小田 憲史並木 則和二井 晋
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 57-58


By using an ultrasonic atomization and AOP techniques, VOC gas can be decomposed and mineralized effectively. However, in this flow system, there was a problem that the mist leaked out of the reactor. Therefore, we investigated the degradation of toluene gas which is typical VOC gas using AOP, ultrasonic mist and a porous poly tetra fluoro ethylene (PTFE) tube. The PTFE tube was installed as a flow path in the AOP reactor by the UV254/H2O2 method with ultrasonic mist to prevent the release of secondary particles and ozone to the outlet of the reactor. As a result of the experiment, the removal ratio of 22.0% was obtained under the condition of UV254/H2O2/mist/PTFE tube. In order to improve the removal rate, UV254+185 with higher energy was replaced in the reactor. When UV254+185 was used, removal ratio of toluene reached 83.7% under condition of UV254+185/mist/PTFE tube. In the case of installing the PTFE tube, the release of secondary generated particles to the outside of the reactor was suppressed. Also, it was confirmed that ozone leakage could be suppressed to about 60%. From these results, it was shown that introduction of ultrasonic mist and PTFE tube can inhibit re-release of degradation products while maintaining sufficient decomposition reaction in the reactor.

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