Online ISSN : 2424-1512
15. 超音波照射下における有機電極反応(38) : 超音波場および遠心場におけるアニリンの電解酸化重合反応
跡部 真人野中 勉
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 60-62


Electroactive films of aromatic polymers formed electrooxidatively on anodes have received much interest from not only fundamental but also practical aspects, since they exhibit peculiar properties such as electroconductivity, semiconductivity, electrochromism, etc. Generally, properties of polymers are originated from not only their chemical structures but also physical ones. However, few methods have been developed for controlling the physical structures of the polymer films so far. Mechanical energies can not derive chemical reactions but control. From this point of view, we aimed to control the structure of the films by applying mechanical energies such as ultrasound and centrifugal acceleration. By this way, we succeeded in preparing polyaniline films having unique properties. For instance, the density of the polyaniline film formed electrooxidatively on anodes was greatly affected by ultrasonic cavitation, that is, the film prepared under ultrasonic irradiation with a power higher than the cavitation threshold has a high density (About 10 times as high as an ordinary one). On the other hand, the morphological structure and electroconductivity of the film were influenced by the centrifugal field. The effects occurred anisotropically with regard to direction of the acceleration force to the working electrode surface. From this series of study, it was stated that mechanical energies such as ultrasound and centrifugal acceleration offer a useful method for controlling the structures and properties of the polyaniline films formed electrooxidatively on anodes.

© 1999 日本ソノケミストリー学会
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