Progress of Digestive Endoscopy
Online ISSN : 2187-4999
Print ISSN : 1348-9844
ISSN-L : 1348-9844
岩崎 秀一郎矢野 貴史上原 一帆中目 哲平迎 美幸石黒 康浩村田 東荒木 正雄
ジャーナル フリー

2015 年 87 巻 1 号 p. 90-91


We describe a 59-year-old woman who coughed and vomited a small amount of blood on the day of presentation. Upper endoscopy was performed on the same day. The examination revealed only fibrin clot-like coagula in the esophagus. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography of the chest and abdomen was performed to locate the source of bleeding. The patient was given a diagnosis of dissecting aortic rupture and esophageal perforation.
A search of the database of the Japan Medical Abstracts Society for the period from 2001 through 2015 revealed only 23 reported cases of esophageal perforation associated with rupture of a dissecting aortic aneurysm as confirmed on upper endoscopy in Japan, including our patient. We describe our experience with this very rare case along with a discussion of the literature.

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