Pediatric Dental Journal
Online ISSN : 1880-3997
Print ISSN : 0917-2394
ISSN-L : 0917-2394
Short Communication
Evaluation of recall examination system used in our clinic
Rena OkawaKazuhiko NakanoKazuyo FujitaRyota NomuraEiji NonomuraEriko MiyamotoTakashi Ooshima
ジャーナル フリー

2007 年 17 巻 2 号 p. 176-178


In pediatric dentistry, it is important to continue periodical examinations after the initial treatment as the child continues to grow and develop, and a recall system used for patient follow-up is crucial for effective treatment by pediatric dentists. We developed our own recall system and have used it for more than 25 years. In this study, we evaluated clinical parameters for dental caries and periodontal disease in selected patients, and analyzed the correlation between them and the number of consecutive years each patient participated in recall examinations. The subjects were 9-, 12-, and 15-year-old children who came to our clinic for a periodical examination in the summer of 2005, in whom we analyzed several indices of dental caries and focused on their relationship to number of years of follow-up. There were no significant differences between the number of consecutive years and plaque index among the 3 age groups, though a negative correlation tendency was found in the 15-year-old group. Similar results were found between number of years and the rate of DFT. However, there was a significantly negative correlation between the number of consecutive years of follow-up and DFT scores for first permanent molars in our patients. Our recall system for follow-up examinations, which include brushing practice, diet consultation, and caries preventive treatment (application of fluoride and fissure sealant), was shown to be effective for maintaining the oral health of our pediatric dental patients.



© 2007 by The Japanese Society of Pediatric Dentistry