The Japanese Journal of Phlebology
Online ISSN : 2186-5523
Print ISSN : 0915-7395
ISSN-L : 0915-7395
Modification of Step Ladder with Handrail for The Lower Extremity Venous Duplex Scanning
Mayumi MaedaSayaka Hanada
Author information

2020 Volume 31 Issue 3 Pages 83-87


Ultrasonographic examination is essential for assessing varicose veins and deep venous thrombosis. Patients maintain a standing position during a lower extremity venous duplex scanning to put their weight on the examined limb, leaning against a wall or a bed. In the case of prolonged examination, patients find it difficult to keep the position, with safety issues raised especially in elderly patients. To secure safety in senior people during the lower extremity venous duplex scanning, we modified a step ladder with handrail, a nursing care equipment. As a result, security was improved and the physical load on patients was lightened. Additionally, the examination time was shortened, and the stable standing position of the patients contributed to the improvement of examination accuracy. Safety in patients and the examination accuracy during the lower extremity venous duplex scanning are expected by spreading this newly-designed step ladder with handrail.

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