Online ISSN : 2188-2134
Print ISSN : 0022-6769
ISSN-L : 0022-6769
亀田 俊孝
ジャーナル フリー

1956 年 2 巻 3 号 p. 162-184


The electrical skin resistence at the palmo-plantal region of the monkeys inocculated by polio and of the polio patients in every stage and/or in several degrees is estimated by the apparatus devised by Prof. Katsuki. Comparative studies between the results of the pharmacological tests of autonomic nervous system and electrodermograms are carried out in polio patients. The followings are summarized : (1) At the onset of polio the skin resistence decreases transiently and then turns to increase to a little over the normal level. When the paralysis becomes constant it decreases again, but still keep a higher than normal. (2) In the severe condition of the inocculated polio monkey, the skin resistence increases markedly. In convalescence by adequate treatment the skin resistence decreases again to the constant level being higher than normal. (3) The increase of the skin resistence is seemed to be parallel to the grade of muscle of muscle paralysis. (4) The skin resistence of polio patients becomes constant over normal about a year after the onset of paralysis. This high resistence are also obtained in long suffering patients of polio with constant paralysis. (5) The skin resistence is estimated before and after the pharmacological test of autonomic neruous system by Ueda's method in polio patients, the results of either test have, in general, the same clinical significance.

© 1956 順天堂医学会
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