Progress in Multiphase Flow Research
Online ISSN : 1881-6088
Print ISSN : 1881-5804
ISSN-L : 1881-5804
Numerical Simulation on Subcooled Boiling Bubble Behavior
Yasuo OSEZensaku KAWARATomoaki KUNUGI
Author information

2009 Volume 4 Pages 29-36

In this study, with the aim of establishment of numerical boiling and condensation model on subcooled boiling, numerical simulation has been carried out in subcooled boiling bubble behavior using the MARS (Multi-interface Advection and Reconstruction Solver) developed by Kunugi. Bubble behavior in subcooled pool boiling is also visualized for the verification of the boiling and condensation model. The subcooled bubble behaviors, especially growing of the nucleated bubble on heating surface, are investigated. It is found that the bubble growth rate obtained by the numerical simulation is very large compared to the experimental one. In order to solve this discrepancy, an effect of unsteady heat conduction on the phase-change phenomena is considered in an enthalpy method. The computational results based on this model show that the bubble growth rate is close to the Rayleigh equation, and it approaches to the visualization results.
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© 2009 by The Japanese Society for Multiphase Flow
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