Online ISSN : 1884-6661
Print ISSN : 0917-5261
ISSN-L : 0917-5261
Nd: YAGレーザー使用経験
松尾 直子今井 隆生山下 敏康伊藤 暖果神谷 祐二水野 和生高井 克憙
キーワード: 血管腫, Nd: YAGレーザー, 上唇
ジャーナル フリー

1991 年 1 巻 2 号 p. 133-139


Two cases of hemangioma occured on the upper lip of baby were reported. The tumors were successfully reduced using Nd: YAG laser that has the advantage of coagulation of the tissue and hemostatic effect.
Case 1 was a 3-month-old male baby with a chief complaint of swelling of upper lip. The tumor was cauterized by electric surgical knife under general anesthesia and then a sclerosing agent was injected (six times, total 4.5ml) for two months. But after two years, the tumor was regrown and was reduced using Nd: YAG laser under general anesthesia.
Case 2 was a 1-month-old male baby with a chief complaint of swelling of the upper lip. In this case the tumor was reduced using Nd: YAG laser under general anesthesia. But the after four months tumor had grown, and it was again reduced under general anesthesia by Nd: YAG laser.
Histopathological diagnosis of the cases were booh capillary hemangioma.

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