Online ISSN : 1884-829X
Print ISSN : 1341-5115
ISSN-L : 1341-5115
中崎 清彦永田 貴寛望月 嘉乃
ジャーナル フリー

1997 年 34 巻 p. 61-68


In the production method of suppressive compost preventing lawn grass disease by inoculation of suppressive bacteria into lawn grass clippings as a raw material, we confirmed the possibility of repeated use of compost product as the seed of next composting. By making use of Bacillus subtilis N4-1, streptomycin resistant mutant, as a suppressive bacterium and seeding it in the raw material, we measured the change in concentration of the N4-1 in the raw material that contains many other microorganisms.
In composting with sterilized raw material, the ratio of the concentration of N4-1 in total bacte ria fell rapidly with the increase in the number of repeating of use, but it was possible to produce compost with suppressive effect on lawn grass pathogen to the second repeated use. Further, in composting with disinfected raw material, possible number of repeating was limited to once. In composting with streptomycin-added raw material, the decrease in the ratio of N4-1 in the product with repeated use became slow and it was expected that possible repeating times of use were able to be increased, but it was found that there was a problem in growing of streptomycin resistant microorganisms other than the N4-1 in composting process.

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