Online ISSN : 1884-8419
ISSN-L : 1347-510X
藤田 壮アンソニー・チュー都筑 良明パーストラッツ
ジャーナル フリー

2004 年 12 巻 p. 197-200


This paper focuses on the application of EST guideline system on integrated urban management policies for sustainable regional growth or environmentally sound urban regeneration. It is to present strategic visions and guidelines for the environmental management for Kawasaki City, Japan. by providing significant and practical recommendations and strategies for Kawasaki City. This paper contains the thllowing contents.
Firstly, planning system and driving schemes for Kawasaki Eco-town Project developments are provided. Relevant legal and financial systems of urban policies for Eco-town Projects are provided as well as project goals including the reduction of GHG for municipal urban programs are also provided. Secondly the research scheme to identify the function of Eco town project as a driving force for circular Kawasaki Metropolises is proposed. Extensive circular ties with neighboring factories; neighborhood metabolism or zero-emission districts, expansion on eco-efficient product chain management and core function for city-scale or waterfront zone circular economies are investigated.

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