Online ISSN : 1884-9172
Print ISSN : 0916-7374
ISSN-L : 0916-7374
禰津 家久山上 路生後藤 健
ジャーナル フリー

2004 年 48 巻 p. 535-540


In compound open-channel flows, there are some large-scale horizontal vortices with a vertical axis. Such coherent vortices influence significantly the transverse transport of scalar variables like suspended sediment between the main-channel and floodplains. So, it is very important in hydraulic engineering and river environment to investigate hydrodynamic characteristics of coherent horizontal vortices in compound open-channel flows and thus there are a lot of experimental and numerical studies on these topics. From recent measurements, it isinferred that the horizontal eddies have a 3-D structure of vortex tubes.
However, 3-D structure of horizontal vortices has not yet been revealed in detail. Therefore, in the present study, a new PIV system using dual-layer laser light sheets was developed and instantaneous velocity fields on two laser sheets were measured simultaneously. As a result, 3-D coherent properties of horizontal vortices and their convection mechanism have been investigated experimentally.

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