セッションID: EL-6
S3 Towards functional recovery of vision: from nerve graft to electrical stimulation
福田 淳
会議録・要旨集 フリー


After complete transection of the optic nerve axotomized retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) survive and regenerate their axons along a piece of grafted peripheral nerve. The regenerated optic axons, when properly guided, make functional reconnections with the target cells in primary visual centers of adult rodents. This procedure of nerve grafting opened up a new field for the functional recovery of damaged CNS tissue of adult mammalian brain. Additional intraocular injections of various neurotrophins further promote the survival and regeneration of RGC axons. As an alternative approach we have recently found that electrical stimulation of the damaged axons of RGCs can significantly promote their survival. We further found that transcorneal electrical stimulation was also effective to promote their survival. From the last October the ophthalmology staffs of our medical school started to evaluate the effect of transcorneal electrical stimulation on various disorders of the RGC and optic nerve as translational research. Now we are getting some promising results to improve visual function after transcorneal electrical stimulation in patients. Electrical stimulation may be generally useful for rescuing damaged CNS neurons and restoring brain functions after injury. [Jpn J Physiol 54 Suppl:S3 (2004)]

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