セッションID: 3S-34G4
*山田 一之
キーワード: mouse, behavior amalysis, test battery
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Research Resources Center (RRC) in RIKEN Brain Science Institute (BSI) provides the mouse behavior analysis support service. As a base of experimentation, RRC provides the common laboratories for mouse behavior analysis in the laboratory animal facility in BSI. This laboratory area consists of 12 separated rooms, and one or several kinds of devices for the behavioral experiment are set up in each room. BSI researchers can use these rooms and devices freely following a guidance. The mouse behavior analysis support service section offers user guidance on use, maintains, develops and updates the laboratories and the equipped experimental apparatuses. Another important part of this service is consultation. We help to plan for behavior experiments, paradigms and/or methods, data analysis and so on. Furthermore, a primary behavioral screening of mutant mice based on a "behavioral test battery" is currently provided on a trial basis. In this workshop, the advantage and disadvantage of the mouse behavior analysis support service at BSI will be discussed from the point of view of standardization of the mouse behavior analysis at a large-scale research facility like BSI. [J Physiol Sci. 2006;56 Suppl:S52]

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