Resources Data Journal
Online ISSN : 2758-1438
Wheat planting zoning in China: Rich and diverse geographical and climatic differences for optimal grain production
Wanxing MaBaoshan Li
Author information

2024 Volume 3 Pages 26-41


The division of wheat planting regions in China primarily includes the Northern Winter (Autumn Sowing) Wheat Region, Southern Winter (Autumn Sowing) Wheat Region, Spring Sowing Wheat Region, and Winter-Spring Dual Sowing Wheat Region. These regions are logically delineated based on climate and suitable planting seasons to optimize the wheat-growing environment and enhance yield and quality. The Northern Winter (Autumn Sowing) Wheat Region is mainly concentrated in the cold northern areas, suitable for autumn sowing, winter dormancy, and resumption of growth in spring. The Southern Winter (Autumn Sowing) Wheat Region is located in the relatively warm southern regions, also involving autumn sowing, winter dormancy, and continued growth in spring. The Spring Sowing Wheat Region applies to areas with milder temperatures, where wheat is sown in spring, grown during summer, and harvested in autumn. The Winter-Spring Dual Sowing Wheat Region encompasses areas suitable for wheat planting in winter and spring, leveraging climate advantages to achieve year-round wheat production. This regional division facilitates the scientific management of wheat resources and improves the efficiency of agricultural production. This article primarily explores the characteristics of China’s wheat planting zoning to deepen understanding and promote further research development in this field.

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