Resources Data Journal
Online ISSN : 2758-1438
Regenerated rice: Integrating innovation with tradition
Xiaoshu YaoYongdong HuangLin Wang
Author information

2024 Volume 3 Pages 54-61


Regenerated rice, as an innovative technology, holds significance and novelty in modern agriculture. Through artificial control, regenerated rice enables rice cultivation to occur continuously for two or more seasons within the same year. Compared to traditional rice, it boasts a shorter growth cycle and stronger adaptability to environmental conditions. The introduction of regenerated rice breaks the seasonal constraints of traditional rice cultivation, offering new avenues and possibilities for achieving food security and sustainable agricultural development. This article focuses on comparing the differences between regenerated rice and traditional rice in cultivation techniques, variety breeding, and production benefits. It also explores the potential of regenerated rice in increasing grain yield, promoting agricultural sustainability, and addressing food security issues. This article aims to investigate the role and potential of regenerated rice in modern agriculture.

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