This third in a series of checklists of Japanese Trichoptera deals with 1 species of Limnocentropodidae, 2 species (1 genus) of Phryganopsychidae, 15 species (6 genera) of Phryganeidae, 15 species (3 genera) of Brachycentridae and 20 species (4 genera) of Apataniidae. We recogneized Apatania momoyaensis KOBAYASHI and Moropsyche higoana KOBAYASHI as valid names from original descriptions. In Phryganeidae, we suggest three taxonomic problems: 1) the larva of an unnamed 'species' of Agrypnia is not identifiable as species ; 2) the description of Oligotricha kawamurai (IWATA) was based only on the larval stage and is insufficient for specific identification ; 3) it should be confirmed whether Neuronia maxima (IWATA) is a junior synonym of Eubasilissa regina (MCLACHLAN) or that of Semblis melaleuca (MCLACHLAN). In Brachycentridae, five taxonomic problems remain : 1) since Brachycentrus japonicus (IWATA) and three 'species' of Brachycentrus or Micrasema separated with tentative alphabetic designations were described only from larval specimens, the associations of their larval and adult stages should be established ; 2) description of Eobrachycentrus oharensis (IWATA) described only larva, which is insufficient for species identification ; 3) the description of Eobrachycentrus kitayamanus (TSUDA) is insufficient to confirm the species ; 4) a 'species' of Micrasema with a tentative alphabetic designation recorded from Honshu has not yet been provided a specific name, although male genitalia were illustrated ; 5) a few 'species' of Micrasema recorded from Honshu are not identifiable as species ; 6) some undescribed species have been collected in Japan. In Apataniidae, two taxonomic problems remain : 1) the larvae of two 'species' of Apatania and Moropsyche with tentative alphabetic designations and two unnamed 'species' of Apatania are not identifiable as species ; 2) many undescribed species have been collected in Japan.