Online ISSN : 1883-9142
Print ISSN : 0427-7775
ISSN-L : 0427-7775
林 大輔沼田 芳明
ジャーナル フリー

1964 年 1964 巻 23 号 p. 52-56


The Present writers worked out, about the large sized flotation machines under our investigation, the Power-index Np, the head coefficient over the impeller efficiency φ, along with such characteristic values as the Air-drawing-coefficient k, the ratio of pulp's mixture Qa/ (Qa+Qp), the exit velocity of air-pulp (Cr 2 or Cr) in the direction of impeller (or rotor) radius, and the cross-sectional-average drift velocity (V) of the pulp.
The authors couldn't make the exact comparision of values among various machines, because the purposes of the usage of machines were different, the number of available machines was small, the precision of the measurements was not equal, and also forms and sizes of the relative parts, and pulp density were not the same. However, they explained, to some extent, the meaning and the tendency by indicated the values of the calculation.
The values of computation consisted of the result sult of the feed-pulp in the first flotation cell. Basides, in comparision, the authors corrected some values of the data and used them.
This paper presents many subjects that need re-examination in the method of usage, the design of related parts and the running condition of the flotation machines. The authors wish to leave the exact discussion on each individual item to a later chance, because there were not enough useful data in the inquiry table. Besides, for individual matters, it is recomended that the concerned mills are to be make examinations of the respective datum, inquiry numbers being written in figs & tables.

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