Online ISSN : 1884-9237
Print ISSN : 0557-5729
ISSN-L : 0557-5729
The EAP Treatment for the School Children's Diseases
Y. NarimiyaY. NozuY. NakataniY. TsuyamaM. Nakamura
ジャーナル フリー

1974 年 19 巻 12 号 p. 221-224


24 years ago at Kyoto University while studying the resistance of electric current in skin, Dr. Y. Nakatani discovered by his Neurometer Ryodo Points, Ryodoraku and Hanno-Ryodo Points (Reactive Electro Permeable Points); and applying stimulation with an electric needles at his Hanno Ryodo Points, he has had good results in treating newralgia, colour blindness, psendramyopia, and many other chrinic diseases. This is called Ryodoraku Autonomous Nerve Regulatory Therapy. In 1E63 at Rome, in 1967 at Prague, and in 1971 at Lisbon Dr. Y. Nozu made a report regarding the improvement of the colour sense of the Ryodoraku Treatment at the International Congress of School and University Health and Medicine.
Last Year (1973) Prof. N. Sato made a report of Ryodoraku Therapy at the International Symposium On Pain at Seattle, Washington, U. S. A.

© The Japanese Society of Ryodoraku Medicine
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