Online ISSN : 1884-9237
Print ISSN : 0557-5729
ISSN-L : 0557-5729
(第四報) 滲出性中耳炎に就いて
栗田 吉栄
ジャーナル フリー

1978 年 23 巻 7 号 p. 221-223


The treatment for adult people's exudative tympanitis is different from that for young people's. I report especially of adult people's which is incurable because of repeating exudation.
It is easily cured by giving electricity through a needle placed around the ear. Even more inveterate exudative tympanitis, I could make the term of treatment shorter when I performed an injection acupuncture treatment (giving an injection on a meridian point) around the ear. However, many of them recured after a while, and I observed that those were bringing with stubborn stiffness in the shoulders. After this, I performed the placed needling treatment around the ear and the general Ryodoraku regulation therapy (including for the shoulder discomfort) to the patients. Then I found that the patients were getting better quickly and did not have a relapse of it. I realized that this treatment also has a strong point for being abie to maintain a healthy condition.

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