Online ISSN : 1884-9237
Print ISSN : 0557-5729
ISSN-L : 0557-5729
常用ツボ( 良導点) 療法(7)
吉田 一次
ジャーナル フリー

1979 年 24 巻 3 号 p. 61-75


The meridian theory is the most important principle and regarded as a framework of acupuncture therapy. The late Dr. Nakatani named the pattern of electro permiable points on the skin Ryodoraku. Ryodoten is a point or a region where electricity passes through in large quantity. Dr. Nakatani took the method of measuring electric resistance and verified that points or regions where electricity easily passes through were caused by the excitability of sympathetic.
This system is not yet given proof by physiological anatomy, but scholars in this field accept that meridian phenomenon really exists, although histomorphologically the existence of meridians has not been proved.
Then Dr. Nakatani tried elucidating the meridian phenomenon electrophysiologically and established the Ryodoraku autonomic nerve theory, which has made scholars who studied Occidental medicine easily understand how meridian phenomenon works. The principles of Oriental medicine are Yin and Yang, Emptiness and Fullness, and Dispersal and Tonification. One of caractors of Dr. Nakatani's theory is introducing a new pattern of them to understand systematically.
As modern medical explanati ons about meridian theory, we have the Ryodoraku autonomic nerve theory, connective tissue essential theory, local anatomical explanation, and the Bon Han theory, which was not recognized by the result of subsequent examinations. The auther studied the Ryodoraku autonomic nerve theory and is thinking that Ryodoraku does not seem to be a single line, two-dimensionally it has a certain measure of range, three-dimensionally it has a convex part, and a concave part. Some scholar thinks that a meridian is made up of three parts and also thick part and thin part.

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