Online ISSN : 1884-9237
Print ISSN : 0557-5729
ISSN-L : 0557-5729
山下 九三夫長田 彼佐子
ジャーナル フリー

1980 年 25 巻 11-12 号 p. 339-341


In the Western medicine, doctors inspect the patient's abdomen mainly checking swelling or sinking, colour of the skin and dilatation of the superficial vessels, the palpation of the liver edge and swollen sppleen, tumours or defence musculAire caused by inflammation, for example, appendicitis. However, the abdominal diagnosis in Kampo discovered and widely used by the Japanese in this country is based mainly on the superficial surface signs of the patient's abdomen, and herb medicine are prescribed accordingly. Todo Yoshimasu, the famous Kam-po doctor in Edo era, said that the abdomen is the center of all organs and reveals abnormalities in any kinds of diseases. The sole aim of diagnosis in Kam-po is to determine which herb medicine is best suited. for the patient. For example, the sign of “Kyo-kyo-ku-mon”-infra-costal ten sionsuggests that “Saiko” (Bupleurum falcatum) may be used for that patient, etc.
These diagnostic methods which may seem unscientific, are sometimes more rational than the Western diagnostic methods.

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