Online ISSN : 2758-0334
Impact of Sanitation Insecurity on Women: A Case from Rural Odisha in India
Oleena Chaudhuri
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2023 Volume 7 Issue 2 Pages 43-58


Many developing countries like India are facing a sanitation challenge stemming from lack of toilets, or the willingness to use them despite the availability of access. Almost over a billion people reside in the country, and more than half of them practice Open Defecation (OD). Majority of the practices of OD stem from patriarchal families who object to construction of toilets owing to age-old sanitary practices driven by social norms. While for some it is more of a compulsion that makes them venture into open spaces and address sanitary needs. According to UN Women, men and women, and girls and boys have different sanitation requirements for biological and social reasons. Using a case from Odisha, this research paper attempts to analyse the wider implications of sanitation insecurity and its impact on women, through analysis of existing literature. In comparison to other states, Individual Household Latrine (IHHL) coverage for Odisha is yet to achieve a 90% level. While most of the Indian states have achieved the 100% Open Defecation free (ODF) target, Odisha ranks second-last—indicating it has one of the lowest ODF coverages in India. Using the Social Norms Theory, this paper aims to understand the relations between inadequate sanitation, health, education and psychosocial stress. Inadequate sanitation and poor quality of toilets also give rise to a variety of health risks such as pneumonia and diarrhoea. The paper tries to analyse what makes sanitary interventions successful and then draws a conclusion by providing policy recommendations and methods to improve the existing intervention programs in sanitation and innovative methods, to encourage more participation at the community-level, keeping in mind that it is imperative to provide women dignity and one of their most basic human rights.

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