Online ISSN : 2433-1074
Print ISSN : 1347-0663
ISSN-L : 1347-0663
「会話における非言語コミュニケーションの役割」の教育 : 掲示板を利用したテレビドラマの分析をとおして
久保田 真弓
ジャーナル フリー

2009 年 22 巻 p. 141-161


The purpose of this study is to suggest the usefulness of an electronic bulletin board in order to teach about the close relationship between verbal communication and nonverbal communication. 284 undergraduate students were asked to view 7-8 minutes of a TV drama placed on an electronic bulletin board and first write down all of the verbal communication observed and next write the nonverbal cues along with the verbal conversations with their assigned group members by using an electronic bulletin board. Then they wrote 2 page long reports about the characteristics of nonverbal communication and the relationship with the verbal communication as well as comments about the electric bulletin board. After submitting the reports, they were asked to answer questionnaires about the usefulness of the tasks. The results reveal that this method is useful to let students realize about implicit communication by focusing on the various roles of nonverbal communication. The dramas especially make it easier to follow people's 'likes and dislikes' dimension, and the students could find various functions of nonverbal communication such as slight changes in facial expressions, eye movements, tone of voice depending on a person s' mood, different expressions used in public and private, degree of a person s' anger and so on. Regarding the use of the electric bulletin board, 20 positive points and 16 negative points are listed and discussed. The statistical analysis of the questionnaires proved the validity of the contents of the drama, the length and so on. Based on these results, the positive use of an electronic bulletin board to teach the importance of nonverbal cues in relation to verbal communication is presented.

© 2009 日本コミュニケーション学会
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