Online ISSN : 2187-185X
Print ISSN : 0387-8031
ISSN-L : 0387-8031
2. クモ膜下出血による脳血管攣縮時の犬脳底動脈部vasa vasorumの形態的変化
上田 伸深見 常晴樫原 道治松本 圭蔵
ジャーナル フリー

1982 年 11 巻 p. 9-14


The earliest report concerning the vasa vasorum of cerebral vessels was described by Gimbert in 1965, but after this there is sporadic literature in relation to whether the vasa vasorum exist in the intracranial cerebral artery or what kinds of physiological role it has. Therefore, these are now in conrtaversy over in which vessel it is distributed and how does it changes in various pathological conditions.
Anatomical feature of the vasa vasorum of the basilar artery were investigated with the stereomicroscope and the scanning electron microscope by utilizing resin-injection cast model of basilar artery. There were arterioles which ran through the adventitia in the basilar artery of dogs. These arterioles could be called the vasa vasorum. Following these preliminary experiments, the pathological changes of the vasa vasorum in subarachnoid hemorrhage were investigated using the dogs. The obtained views are as follows: (1) in the adventitia of the basilar artery of dogs, there are long branches ran longitudinally along the basilar artery trunk and short branches that transverse it. One of that is longitudinal branch originating from the caudal artery and caudal communicating artery that extended to caudal 1/3 of the basilar artery from rostral and the other originating from the caudal cerebellar artery that extended longitudinally from caudal to rostral to 1/3 of the basilar artery. Many of the transverse branches arise near the origin of the pontine arteries of the basilar branch. The transverse and longitudinal branches often cross together and form a net-like pattern. These arterioles exist in the basilar artery and its branches that have diameters of approximately over 250μ. The diameter of the longitudinal branch of the vasa vasorum was 20-50μ, the diameter of the transverse branch was 10-30μ.
During the acute stage of subarachnoid hemorrhage, these arterioles tended to disappear according to the severity of the hemorrhage, especially the transverse branch tended to disappear easily than the longitudinal branch.

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