Online ISSN : 1883-7417
Print ISSN : 0915-4027
ISSN-L : 0915-4027
佐藤 貞雄糸賀 明伊藤 公孝大柳 康
ジャーナル フリー

1994 年 6 巻 4 号 p. 278-285


A p-v-T device for determining the specific volume of solid and liquid polymer alloys as a function of pressure (up to 200MPa) and temperature (30-350°C) has been constructed. It is a plunger type which consists of a plunger, cylinder, heater and laser displacement meter. The measurement accuracy of the device was within ±2-3%. The p-v-T properties were determined by the isothermal testing method. We have discussed the effects of the mixing ratio on p-v-T properties of polymer alloys and the empirical equation of state. The empirical equation of state for amorphous polymers such as PPO, PS and its alloys is presented as follows:
v(p, T)=vo(0, To)+(3i=0AiTi+p1i=0BiTi+p21i=0CiTi)
Here, v is specific volumes as a function of pressure and temperature, vo is specific volume at atomospheric pressure (p=0) and room temperature (To). The Ai (i=0-3), Bi and Ci (i=0-1) are coefficients of the p-v-T characteristic each polymers. The values of these coefficients were determined by a least-squares fitting method. The specific volumes of solid and liquid amorphous polymers determined by the em. pirical eq. agree with the measured values to within 1.07% to 1.80% except for PPO. The volume strain Kv of the solid and molten polymer alloys changed irregularly depending on the mixing ratio. It is minimum when the mixing ratio is PPO/PS=20/80 weight percent.

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