Online ISSN : 1884-4669
Print ISSN : 0915-4353
ISSN-L : 0915-4353
微小重力場植物実験装置内の水蒸気回収循環技術の予備実験 (1)
谷 晃大熊 健田中 茂樹斎藤 高弘北宅 善昭後藤 英司高橋 秀幸
ジャーナル フリー

1999 年 12 巻 1 号 p. 21-25


Development of water recovery and recycling system in a plant growth chamber is most important challenge for plant cultivation under micro-gravity. In this paper, a water recycling system consisting of Peltier cooler unit and capillary fibrous mat for water transport is proposed as a suitable technology for small-scale closed plant growth chamber under micro-gravity. In the preliminary experiment, maximum water condensation rate by the fin of Peltier cooler unit was 100g/day. This value is not high enough to support water circulation in plant growth chamber when mature plants are densely grown. Water could be successfully transferred from the fin to the plant growth medium through the fibrous mat in the short-term experiment (144h). A long-term experiment is required to evaluate the system performance and stability. Key factors controlling water movement of the system, including hydraulic conductivity of the fibrous mat and medium and water condensation capacity of cooling fin, are discussed.

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