Proceeding of Annual/Fall Meetings of the Japan Petroleum Institute
37th Petroleum-Petrochemical Symposium of the Jpn. Petrol. Inst. (Sapporo)
Session ID : 1A10
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Steam reforming
Process development and ecomics for direct partial oxidation of natural gas using novel catalyst
*Hironori KawaiKen-ichi KawazuishiKen-ichi ImagawaShigeru KadoTakeshi MinamiYoshifumi Suehiro
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The process development and ecomic evaluation was conducted for the production of synthesis gas from natural gas and oxigen using newly developed catalyst. This process makes it possible to reduce the reactor size drastically compared with the conventional one due to very short contact time and quite small amount of catalyst (approx. 1/10 to 1/100 of conventional one). In addition, high conversion and selectivity can be achieved at relatively low temperature. The amount of oxygen was also smaller than expected, so that the size of oxygen plant which is causing high cost can be reduced. Owing to these properties, the more compact and economic process can be developed than the conventional one for syngas production.

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© 2007 The Japan Petroleum Institute
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