Online ISSN : 1884-3395
Print ISSN : 0026-0614
ISSN-L : 0026-0614
高橋 俊郎長野 年宏池ケ谷 正志和田 健二田賀井 秀夫
ジャーナル フリー

1971 年 22 巻 10 号 p. 490-495


In the previous papers of Parts 2 and 3, the authors reported that co-ordination numbers of aluminum atoms in the aluminum anodic coatings were both of 4 and 6 ligands.
The object of the studies in this paper is to make clear the combination of atoms in aluminum anodic coatings by means of differential radial distribution analysis for the purpose of proving the results in the previous papers.
The data necessary for analyzing the combination of atoms were as follows: density of the anodic coatings, kind of elements contained in the coatings, molar ratio of elements, X-ray intensity of the coatings with targets of Cu and Mo, atomic scattering factors of elements, atomic number, and atomic weight.
The values of differential radial distribution function were computed by storing these data in an electronic computer. The function was calculated by the following equation:
4πr2ΣmKm(gm(r)-go)=2r/π∫0Si(S)sin Sr dS
The structural analysis of the coatings was presumed by the comparison of the ionic radius with the radial distance of differential radial distribution patterns.
The results obtained were summarized as follows:
It was supposed that the co-ordination numbers of aluminum atoms in the coatings were both of 4 and 6 ligands. The atoms of 4 ligands were distributed in random configuration in the coatings, and the atoms of 6 ligands were nearly in systematic configuration in the coatings.

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