Online ISSN : 2185-4033
Print ISSN : 0918-2454
ISSN-L : 0918-2454
谷口 敦行箕浦 幸治
ジャーナル フリー

2000 年 50 巻 2 号 p. 93-103


Many vein type mineralization including the Kishu and Myoho deposits are known to occur in the southern and southeastern part of Kii Peninsula, where Middle Miocene volcanic products are underlain by the pre-Miocene and Miocene sedimentary complex of the Shimanto Belt. Vein type ore deposits that are related to felsic volcanism mainly occur in the Miocene sedimentary rocks except few in the pre-Miocene sedimentary rocks. Calcite veins are found with or without sulfide minerals in these sedimentary rocks. We have studied isotopic composition of the vein calcites in drilled cores obtained from these sedimentary rocks. The total ranges of δ18O and δ13C for calcites are from +6 to +17‰, and from -14 to -4‰, respectively. These value are divided into two groups based on their oxygen isotopic values: δ18O≤10‰ and δ18O>10‰, respectively. These data, together with homogenization temperature of fluid inclusions and strontium isotope data indicate that the relatively low δ18O value in calcites (δ18O<-10%0) formed under hydrothermal condition, however, the relatively high δ18O value in calcites (δ18O>10‰) formed from solution trapped in sedimentary rocks. The calcite veins with relative-ly high δ18O value are hosted mainly in the pre-Miocene sedimentary rocks, which suggests that the pre-Miocene sedimen-tary rocks might restrict free hydrothermal circulation. That resulted in lesser number of vein deposits in the rocks.

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