Online ISSN : 2185-6729
Print ISSN : 0369-4194
町田 和美福島 篤西村 茂樹三浦 和夫
ジャーナル フリー

1981 年 97 巻 1117 号 p. 173-178


In Yubari-Shin Colliery, main roadways are driven in the thick Horokabetsu shale below the workable coal seams at the depth of about 1000m from the surface. The roadways converge seriously, particulary due to floor heave, because rock strength is weak against rock pressure, and many maintenance works are carried out for the roadways.
For the purpose of relief of roadway maintenance works, a rock bolting test by Rock Bolt Setter was carried out in addition to the steel arch support (weight 34.7 kg/m) in the present operation. Rock Bolt Setter used in this test is equipped with 1 power unit, 1 boom, 1 universal roofbolting turret, 1 hydraulic rotary drill and 1 hydraulic rotary bolting motor mounted on a chassis of 642 H loader.
The test results were as follows: 1. The capacity of bolting by Rock Bolt Setter was 45 bolts/shift (average) in a 15° inclined roadway, 50 bolts/shift (average) and 65 bolts/shift (maximum) in a level roadway.
2. By system rock bolting, convergence of roadways was improved to about half compared with the steel arch support only.

© The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan
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