計測自動制御学会 部門大会/部門学術講演会資料
SICE System Integration Division Annual Conference 2002

Communications with a Brain-Wave Bio-Potential Based Computer Interface
Minoru SasakiKyoung ho Choi
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 438


A computer communication interface based on brain-wave bio potentials for physically disabled people is developed. The work focuses on using EOG and EMG signals to input characters one by one using cursor movements on a GUI screen. The CyberlinkTM system used to acquire brain waves in real time with electrodes. EMG and EOG signals are used to direct a cursor, to select, or to click a character on the screen. We present a novel method for automatic EOG pattern detection by using wavelet transforms with a neuro-fuzzy approach. User gesture recognition is done by the neural network which moves the cursor in accordance with the user’s desire. In the GUI, the 26 letters of the alphabet, together with several symbols, and commands are displayed in a matrix on a screen which serves the function of a keyboard. By manipulating his brain-wave bio-potentials, the user moves a cursor to select a character. The computer detects the chosen character on-line and in real time. The raising of an eyebrow is termed “clicking” and one, two, or three clicks, each associated with a different command. After a sentence has been built, at any time, a command can be manipulate it to a voice synthesizer.

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