Online ISSN : 1883-8154
Print ISSN : 0450-0024
ISSN-L : 0450-0024
佐藤 勇新田 謙治郎
ジャーナル フリー

1961 年 11 巻 9 号 p. 521-526


The "Logical Calculator" described in this paper solves logical problems taking the place of human reasoning. It examines whether or not a given information is logically consistent, in other words, whether or not it contains a contradiction. It makes a decision as to whether or not logical implication or logical equivalence is right. It also finds out the consistent combinations under several conditions of restriction. The machine has 50 relays, 47 diodes and one rotary switch. The answer is indicated by lamps and is also printed in various ways on a teleprinter, in which there is such a form as "Print the truth value in parentheses, if the adjacent combination is also true". By this operation, a method is given to summarize the answer into the simplest (disjunctive) expression, which is called the "minimum sum of products" in the switching circuit theory. The machine therefore is applicable to an auxiliary device to simplify the switching circuits.

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