The present paper proposes an idea generation support system taking a leaf from TRIZ, which is known as a theory of inventive problem solving, to design systems that make use of FUBEN-EKI (FUrther BENEfit of a Kind of Inconvenience). Even the benefits of inconvenience are known as an essence of spiritually affluent lives, it is quite difficult to design artifacts for providing such benefits. A design support method for implementing such benefits were proposed based on the result of analyzing many tools and methods that are generally said to be inconvenient but provide user-dependent such benefits as fostering affirmative feelings, enhancing awareness, and prompting creative contributions. The proposed method takes such leaves from TRIZ as contradiction-matrix and the process of making use of the matrix for creative thinking. The system, proposed in the present paper, is a web application of the design support method. The experimental result shows that the system is beneficial for users who use the system in deep but is harmful for users who use it superficially. Generally, convenient systems perform well at almost same level for any users. In this sense, the experimental result revealed that the proposed system itself is a kind of FUBEN-EKI system.