Online ISSN : 1883-8189
Print ISSN : 0453-4654
ISSN-L : 0453-4654
和田 憲造早野 延男上滝 具貞
ジャーナル フリー

1984 年 20 巻 7 号 p. 579-586


In this report, we discuss the weight control of hopper by using a microcomputer.
The control processes in which the granular material is concerned are generally difficult, because the granular material reveals a very complicated nature in its handling.
In the present investigation, we adopted a digital controller with a more elabolate control action than that of an analog controller. At the first step, we used sand as granular material due to its good flowability. As for the control algorithm, we used the “Finite Time Settling Control (F.T.S.C.)” method that makes a very excellent response for the step change of a set point value and an external disturbance, respectively. We estimated the unmeasurable state variables by using “Finite Time Settling Observer (F.T.S.O.)” or “Minimal Order Observer (M.O.O.)”.
The following results became clear through the experiments and the simulations by using a microcomputer.
1) If we use F.T.S.C. method as the control algorithm, P-action is more suitable than I-action for the process containing a saturation element.
2) In our system, in the case of P-action, there is an off-set for the step change. To avoid this off-set, the set point value must be adjusted prior to the experiment. Contrarily, in the case of the external disturbance input, if we use F.T.S.O. as the observer in the system, the off-set disappears.
3) In the case using M.O.O., we could eliminate the off-set by the suitable choice of the parameter of the M.O.O. itself and the system gains.

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